
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Wow | Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Superman and friends

20.... tahun yang lalu anda mungkin akan ditembak jika berada terlalu dekat dengan tugu ini di Sofia,Bulgaria.

Tetapi sume tu telah berlalu, korang tengok lah ape dah jadi tengan tugu nieh.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Superman and friends

An anonymous artist transformed Russian Red Army soldiers from a monument in the city of Sofia, in Bulgaria, into popular superheroes and cartoon characters.


Tapi cam style gak..watak-watak kartun jadinyer...

Taking centre stage is Superman with his distinctive red cape and blue suit. To the left is Santa Claus and to the right Ronald McDonald, the mascot of the fast-food giant McDonalds, and the Joker also makes an appearance.


Kat bawah tu pulak tulisan " Moving With The Time" . Satu vandalism disitu tapi masih tak tau sape kat yang mewarnakan tugu ini.


Hehe..kreatif gak sape yang mendajal patung-patung tuh...xam lawa jer..hehee
